My Hairy Friends

Dog have always been my friends. I am also a dog in the Chinese zodiac.

I had my first dog Chilo when I was 10 years old.

He came a long way from Hokkaido, and we had so much fun together.

Sadly, he ran away one morning and never came back. It was the first great loss in my life.

My second dog was a miniature Dachshund Mick. I got him when I was 19 years old and started to live on my own. He was my companion.

When I moved to London, I had to adapt him to another family. I didn’t have the knowledge to take him with me to Europe. I still feel bad about it and hope he had a great life.

Mick and me at beach in Japan

Then I got my first “big dog” which was a black labrador, Layla. She was like the first child for my ex-husband and me.

One evening soon after we got her as a puppy, we went to an Eric Clapton concert and he sang a song called Layla. We decided to give her the name Layla.

I guess she was the most famous puppy in Finland back then and she was the cover girl of a Finnish sports paper.

She was our baby and traveled everywhere with us.

Layla 3y old BD

One summer weekend, we were on a friend’s yacht at F1 Monaco GP.

We didn’t want to leave her at home with a dog sitter. We decided to get our yacht in the same harbor as well, so we can meet her every day. She stayed on board during the Monaco weekend with the captain and chef. 😎

Layla was never sporty. She didn’t like to play at the dog park. But she played with people or only with another labrador.

We got two “human” babies meanwhile and Layla was bigger in size than kids for some years. But she was really gentle to them the whole time.

She lived 16 years and 2 months.

Her breeder told us that she might be the oldest labrador in Finland. Can it be?

When Layla was 10 years old, we got another labrador, Betty.

She was always a young soul and a very active dog. 30 min walk around the neighborhood wasn’t definitely enough for her. She was totally in love with my son Max.

When she realized Layla had passed away, she got depressed for a couple of years. She didn’t smile anymore.

Do you know dogs really smile like us?

She is happy after a walk

She has her 15th birthday today.

She is nowadays very slow and not every day is an easy day. But she is still enjoying eating and sniffing.

Happy Birthday, Betty!

Then my 5th dog, a mixed breed Bolonka Tassu from Estonia. Breeder said she was supposed to be a pocket-size dog, but she became medium size. She was a difficult dog as she burked a lot.

By the way, her mom has long and curly hair…

She was so attached to my daughter and me. Protected us always. We protected her as well from people’s anger.

She passed away from cancer at 11 years.

We also have two toy poodles from Japan. They are from the same breeder but ended up in different sizes. My 6th dog Millie, little one is 10 years old in June, and my 7th dog, Luna is 8 years in April.

Millie on the left and Luna on the right

Millie is smaller than Luna but Milli is the boss of the whole dog gang.

Toy poodles are expensive in Japan. It cost a couple of Louis Vuitton or Chanel bags.

But they give us joy and lift up our feelings more than bags! ❤

Happy or sad, they are always beside us.

When they are like 10 years old, many insurance companies don’t give any insurance coverage. Some companies give till 9 years old, and some companies give till 10 years old. I recommend checking your dog insurance terms and conditions. All our dogs had some kind of surgery and I can’t imagine those surgeries without insurance.

From left / Luna, Millie, Friend Kayla

Heading to spring and summer, then dogs can swim in the sea… Wish Betty can enjoy another summer again.

Give big kisses to your dog!

With Love,



10 歳のときに初めて犬を飼いました。名前はチロ。



2 匹目の犬は、19 歳のとき飼ったミニチュア ダックスフンドのミック。一人暮らしを始めた時に買いました。家に帰ると待っていてくれる温かくて柔らかいお友達。



それから、何年も経ち、最初の”大型犬” である黒いラブラドールを飼いました。





ある夏のF1 モナコGPの週末、友人のヨットに宿泊する事になりました。





そんな中で、私達夫婦は2人の”人間” の赤ちゃんを授かり、レイラはサイズ的に子供達よりもずっと大きかったけれど、子供達に本当に優しかった。



レイラが 10 歳のとき、もう一匹のラブラドールを飼い始めました。名前はベティ。


















2 Comments Add yours

  1. It’s nice to know your hairy friends and they mean so much importance to you. I could not keep a dog easily in my country and thanks for sharing your experience that how they could have make a difference in life. May they live healthily under your care and love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. norikosalo says:

      Hello! It is true, it isn’t easy to have a dog as a pet in some countries. Nearly every fourth household in Finland owned at least one pet dog or one cat. Finnish people are a pet lovers and also possibility to own one. I am happy to provide my experience!

      Liked by 1 person

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